There are lots of great ways to boost your mental health. Therapy, counseling, improved diet and more exercise will all lead to a healthier mind. However, hiking is one underrated mental health booster to add to the list. Why, you ask? Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Smyrna explains. How Is Hiking Good for Me? For one, hiking is a great form of exercise. With gym exercises and home workouts tending toward becoming mundane, going on a hike is a wonderful way to get outdoors and get your heart pumping. Read on →

Sleep is one of the most important ways to keep our bodies happy and healthy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults get at least seven hours of sleep each night. Adequate sleep contributes to our bodies’ abilities to digest food, fight off disease and promote brain function. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Smyrna is here to help you on your journey to great sleep! Read on →

Here comes that burning in your chest after those delicious hot wings. Heartburn, right? Probably so, but the symptoms of heartburn and heart attack are very similar, so it the pain gets worse or lingers then you need to check it out. Read on as AFC Urgent Care Smyrna helps you understand heartburn and heart attack related pains and what your body is trying to tell you. What Is Heartburn? Read on →

Did you know? The flu virus is quite common, affecting between 9 and 45 million of us each year since 2010, the CDC estimates. For many of us, the flu just means a couple of days in bed with soup and our favorite show. For others, though, the flu can lead to hospitalization or even death. That’s why we’re urged to get a flu shot every year. Our team at AFC Urgent Care Smyrna would like to share some information about why flu shots are especially important this year. Read on →

The last few months have not been easy for most Americans. Many of us have been working from our homes, or facing job loss, leading to even more stress than normal. If you’re feeling burned out, you aren’t alone. There are some steps you can take to help make burnout less likely, so read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Smyrna shares some tips. What Does Burnout Mean? Read on →

Many of us have been told to sit up straight by a parent, teacher or other authority figure in our life, but did you know that having good posture can actually impact your overall health? While sitting up straight may cause back pain initially, making a conscious effort to sit up straight in your daily life can go a long way for your body. If you would like to learn more about good posture and its overall health impact, your AFC Urgent Care Smyrna team is here to tell you all about it. Read on →

The short answer is yes. High blood pressure affects people of all ages, races and genders, and it’s incredibly common. In fact, some 103 million Americans have high blood pressure—that’s about half of Americans age 20 and older. Today, our team at AFC Urgent Care Smyrna wants to take a few minutes to talk you through the condition and how to prevent it. How Does Blood Pressure Work? Blood pressure is the force with which blood hits your artery walls as it moves its way through the body. Read on →

You might think, based on the fact that businesses are reopening, that COVID-19 is less of a risk these days. But the reality is: It’s still a real and present danger to our health. In fact, cases of COVID-19 are on the rise in our country and state. As of July 2, there have been 2.74 million cases diagnosed in the United States, with more than 46,000 of those cases in Tennessee alone. Read on →

When many of us think of aging, we often think of a loss of mobility in our joints that make regular activities difficult—but contrary to popular belief, joint issues can happen even for people who are relatively young. You should not wait until you are older to think about taking care of the joints of your body, and instead should consider implementing healthy habits now so your joints do not begin to deteriorate with time. Read on →

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly one-quarter of American adults have been diagnosed with arthritis. That adds up to more than 54 million people. That’s a lot of people affected by some type of joint discomfort. It’s one of the most common conditions, in fact, among Americans, which is why our team at AFC Urgent Care Smyrna wants to share some facts about arthritis. Read on as we offer some tips. Read on →