What Is the First Sign of the Flu?

No one wants to be stuck at home with the flu over the holidays.

Fortunately, our team at AFC Urgent Care Smyrna has some tips on how you can both prevent the flu and treat it promptly if you’re diagnosed.

Can the Flu Shot Give You the Flu?

The myth is that the flu vaccine can cause you to get the flu. But that’s just plain incorrect! The flu shot is made up of inactivated flu virus, meaning it cannot give you the flu.

But because it takes up to two weeks to build up antibodies after getting the vaccine, you can still get the flu during that time frame. However, if this happens, the flu vaccine usually helps to keep the flu symptoms more mild and the length of the illness shorter.

Ways to Prevent the Flu

  • Get an annual flu shot.
  • Wash your hands often.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces.
  • Avoid large crowds.
  • Boost your immune system with exercise and a balanced diet.
  • Avoid contact with those who may be sick.

What Are the Signs of the Flu?

A fever over 100.4 F, aches and pains, and a sore throat are usually the first signs of the flu. Other flu symptoms include chills, sweats, a headache, nasal congestion and fatigue.

While most symptoms will go away within a week, some may linger for longer as your body recovers.

Ways to Treat the Flu

  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Drink fluids to stay hydrated.
  • Take OTC meds to alleviate symptoms, if needed.
  • Use a humidifier for nasal congestion.
  • Try throat lozenges for sore throat pain.
  • Take antiviral medication, if prescribed.

Do you and your loved ones still need to get a flu vaccine? Visit AFC Urgent Care Smyrna today for a flu shot. No appointment is necessary!