Does Heartburn Make Your Heart Hurt?

Here comes that burning in your chest after those delicious hot wings. Heartburn, right?

Probably so, but the symptoms of heartburn and heart attack are very similar, so it the pain gets worse or lingers then you need to check it out. Read on as AFC Urgent Care Smyrna helps you understand heartburn and heart attack related pains and what your body is trying to tell you.

What Is Heartburn?

Heartburn can be really uncomfortable and painful at times, but unlike its name suggests, it doesn’t actually have anything to do with your heart.

Heartburn is discomfort or actual pain caused by digestive acid moving into and through your esophagus—the tube connecting your throat and your stomach. It’s usually caused by the food you consume. It also affects up to 20% of Americans every week and is very common among pregnant women.

Heartburn Causes

  • Having certain food and drinks, such as coffee, tomatoes, alcohol, chocolate, and fatty or spicy foods
  • Being overweight
  • Smoking
  • Having uncontrolled or excessive stress and anxiety

What Signs Are More Likely to Occur With a Heart Attack Than With Heartburn?

A heart attack is usually described as involving severe chest pain and difficulty breathing, often brought on by overexertion. Experts say that most heart attacks don’t happen this way, though.

Pressure, tightness, pain or a squeezing sensation in your chest or arms that may spread to your neck, jaw or back is a very common sign that you are experiencing a heart attack. This type of symptom is actually more common in women than it is in men, but common nonetheless.

Other Heart Attack Symptoms

  • Sudden nausea
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cold sweat
  • Sudden dizziness

Call 911 immediately if your symptoms are those of a heart attack. For non-emergency medical needs, visit us at AFC Urgent Care Smyrna and we’ll take care of you!