Do Masks Really Protect Against COVID-19?

Yes, they really do! Getting used to wearing masks and even seeing them in public has been an adjustment for us all, but as COVID-19 rates rise rapidly—especially during the holiday season—it’s essential that we are aware of the importance of masks and the protection that they provide.

Read on as our team at AFC Urgent Care Smyrna sheds some light on masks and their importance.

What Do Masks Do?

Masks reduce the number of airborne respiratory droplets that linger in the air. What this basically means is that potential viral particles will largely be contained in each person’s mask.

When these particles are contained, it decreases the chances of yourself and those around you contracting COVID-19. So, even if you know you don’t have the virus, wearing a mask can only help.

More Mask Benefits

  • Can be effective protection when social distancing isn’t possible
  • Prevents those who are infected from spreading the virus
  • Reduces your own chances of getting COVID-19

What Type of Mask Is Best?

An N95 mask technically offers the most protection as it filters out 95% of air particles, but the CDC doesn’t recommend these for public use because they’re critical supplies for healthcare workers. The CDC has also just recently advised against wearing surgical masks, as those have been deemed as critical supplies as well because of the currently overwhelmed medical system.

That leaves us with cloth masks. Thankfully, properly made cloth masks have actually achieved a better filtration rate than surgical masks, as cloth masks filter out 79% of airborne particles to surgical masks’ 62%. Wearing a mask alongside the below-mentioned COVID-19 guidelines are the best ways to stay healthy this year.

More Health-Safety Guidelines to Follow

  • Remain six feet apart from others when outside of the home.
  • Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water.
  • If you don’t have access to soap and water, use hand sanitizer that contains at lest 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid large crowds and gatherings, particularly without social distancing.

Do you feel like you need a COVID-19 test? Visit our website and schedule your test at AFC Urgent Care Smyrna ASAP!